Glitch, time, repent
‘glitch, time, repent’ is a direct response to the psychological power that technology has over us as it is a way in which we can revisit our past, present and future. It speaks to the concept of time to where 'defect' is a mode of conscious expression in unpredictable errors. The fragmentation of the paintings visual language is byway of pentimento, an Italian word for 'repentance'. Pentimento is a process used to describe an alteration within painting that reveals the human error, where morality is measured by righting a wrong within a composition. The layers themselves convey semiotic traces of the work's narrative that transcend not only the history of the work but carry a kind of physical deliverance. The inner struggle we face with redemption, purging, repentance and conviction is a primarily sculptural implementation of layering gauges of acrylic. The process reflects the act of atonement through cultural commentary - creating and destroying, altering and changing through hallucinatory jagged lines spreading across a panel — expression through the glitch aesthetic rooted in error.